A Matter of Endgame Technique
Jacob Aagaard
Formato papel
PVP. 44,99€
Ficha técnica
- Editorial: Quality Chess
- Fecha de edición: 9 de Agosto de 2022
- ISBN: 9781784831622
- Fecha de edición: 2022
- Peso: 1000gr
- Dimensiones:
0 mm x 0 mm
- Nº páginas: 900
- Materias: Informática / Entrenamiento Táctico-Estratégico /
Tienda / Informática / Entrenamiento Táctico-Estratégico /
A Matter of Endgame Technique
Libro en inglés (tapa dura)
The most hated cliché in chess is: And the rest is a matter of technique. In A Matter of Endgame Technique Grandmaster Jacob Aagaard deals with one of the few things chessplayers hate even more – losing a winning position. This book studies how and why we misplay winning endgames, explaining the technical and practical areas of chess endgames plainly, simply and deeply.