Yearbook 124
Formato papel
PVP. 29,95€
Ficha técnica
- Editorial: New in Chess
- Fecha de edición: 22 de Septiembre de 2017
- ISBN: 9789056917128
- Fecha de edición: 2017
- Peso: 500gr
- Dimensiones:
165 mm x 240 mm
- Nº páginas: 256
- Materias: Libros / Partidas comentadas /
Tienda / Libros / Partidas comentadas /
Yearbook 124
(Libro en inglés)
Nuevo número del anuario de New in Chess, con las últimas novedades sobre aperturas. Docenas de nuevas ideas en la teoría de apertura del ajedrez moderno.
New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. The Yearbook not only covers the latest fashions, but also offers fresh insights into underrated gambits, rare continuations, and almost forgotten weapons.
1.e4 openings
Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 - Bok
Sicilian Defence - Accelerated Dragon 8...d5 - Ca.Hansen
Sicilian Defence - Sveshnikov Variation 9.Nd5 - Lukacs/Hazai
French Defence - Winawer Variation 5...Ba5 - Rodi
French Defence - Tarrasch Variation 3...c5 - I.Almasi
Caro-Kann Defence - Advance Variation 4.Nf3 - Panczyk/Ilczuk
Caro-Kann Defence - Smyslov Variation 5...h6 - Finkel
Italian Game - Giuoco Piano 5.d3 - Hungaski
Italian Game - Bishop’s Opening 2.Bc4 - Fridman
Scotch Opening - Classical Variation 4...Bc5 - De Dovitiis
Vienna Game - Fianchetto 2...Nf6/2...Nc6 3.g3 - Finkel
1.d4 openings
Queen’s Gambit Declined - Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4 - Van der Wiel
Queen’s Gambit Declined - Vienna Variation 4...dxc4 - Ris
Slav Defence - Exchange Variation 4.Bg5 - Matamoros
Catalan Opening - Open Variation 6...dxc4 - Vilela
Queen’s Indian Defence - Bogo-Indian 4.Bd2 Be7 line - K.Szabo
Grünfeld Indian Defence - 4.Bg5 Line - Fogarasi
Grünfeld Indian Defence - 4.Nf3 Bg7 Other Lines - Karolyi
King’s Indian Defence - Main Line: Bayonet Attack 9.b4 - Olthof
King’s Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 3.g3 - Vigorito
Queen’s Pawn Openings - London System 3.Bf4 - Vidit
English Opening - Reversed Sicilian 3...Bc5 - Ragger
English Opening - Reversed Sicilian 2... or 3...c6 - Timman
English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3...d5 - Cummings
Réti Opening - 1...d5 2.c4 e6 - Ikonnikov
Réti Opening - Delayed Orang-Utan 3.b4 - Adorjan
Exercises: With more than 75 practical opening exercises to test your understanding.
The Yearbook is a must-have publication for all serious chess students. If you subscribe to the Yearbook you will:
receive each issue
every three months
right after publication
in the mail
for a much lower price than buying single copies would cost you!
Formato papel
PVP. 29,95€
Otros libros de Varios
Cuadernos de entrenamiento en ajedrez. 18. Nuevas combinaciones espectaculares
Editorial La Casa del Ajedrez
Cuadernos de entrenamiento en ajedrez. 17. La pieza problemática
Editorial La Casa del Ajedrez