Play the Barry Attack
Formato papel
PVP. 24,95€
Ficha técnica
- Editorial: Everyman Chess
- Fecha de edición: 30 de Agosto de 2023
- ISBN: 9781781946947
- Fecha de edición: 2023
- Peso: 600gr
- Dimensiones:
0 mm x 0 mm
- Nº páginas: 416
Tienda /
Play the Barry Attack
Libro en ingles.
El ataque Barry es un sistema agresivo que surge después de 1 d4 Cf6 2.Cf3 g6 3.Cc3 d5 4.Af4.
Aunque el concepto de este sistema ha sido conocido durante más o menos un siglo, la interpretación moderna fue desarrollada por grandes maestros ingleses del último par de décadas.
Esta interpretación moderna no es, a menudo, muy sutil. Si las negras le dan a las blancas un objetivo, enrocando pronto en el flanco de rey, las blancas jugarán Dd2, Ah6, 0-0-0 y h5, jugando directamente a por el jaque mate. Serás testigo de las innumerables partidas en las que jugadores duros han sido destruidos con negras en menos de 30 jugadas. A veces, mucho menos.
Esto hace que el Barry sea un arma ideal para aquellos que adoran atacar. La defensa negra debe ser muy precisa. Si no, se avecina una rápida destrucción.
The Barry Attack is a highly aggressive system that arises after 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6 3 Nc3 d5 4 Bf4. Although the concept of the Barry Attack has been known for a century or so, the modern interpretation (as with a number of other dynamic white systems) has mainly been developed by English grandmasters over the past couple of decades.
This “modern interpretation” is often not very subtle. If Black provides a target by castling early on the kingside, White will often let rip with moves such as Qd2, Bh6, 0-0-0 and h4-h5, playing very directly for a quick checkmate. If this strikes you as too crude to have a chance against a sophisticated and competent defender, then a quick glance through this book will undoubtedly change your mind. You will witness countless games where very strong players are destroyed on the black side in less than 30 moves. Sometimes a lot less.
This makes the Barry an ideal weapon for those who love to attack. Black’s defence has to be very accurate. If not, a quick annihilation is on the cards.
Play the Barry Attack is the ideal guide to this fascinating opening. Anyone who reads this book carefully and studies all White’s attacking ideas will have a fearsome weapon in their armoury.